26/10/2005, Επίσκεψη στο ερευνητικό κέντρο IPK Gatersleben
- Overview of IPK
- IPK GeneBank
- Plant Genomics Research in Germani-GABI
- Overview of GSRT
- Overview of EKT/IRC Hellenic
27/10/2005, Επίσκεψη στην εταιρεία BayerCropScience, Potsdam
- Overview of Bayer Cropscience Bioscience
27/10/2005, Επίσκεψη στο ερευνητικό κέντρο Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant
Physiology, Potsdam-Golm
- Overview of MPI of Molecular Plant Physiology
28/10/2005, Επίσκεψη στο ερευνητικό κέντρο Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research,
- Overview of MPI Plant Breeding Research
- Getting Databases Talking
- Chemical Genetics and activity-based profiling: Novel tools to investigate the
arabidopsis-pseudomonas interaction
- Finding the gears of the biological clock & Using them in the improvement of
- Potato Genome Analysis
- Molecular Analysis of Lower Symmetry Diversity
- Transcriptional Regulation of the Plant Immune Response