Ανοικτή Συνάντηση Εργασίας euroCRIS για τα πληροφοριακά συστήματα ερευνητικών δραστηριοτήτων
euroCRIS Membership Meeting VIDEO
Greek session
Martin Jägerhorn - CONVERIS - a complete and CERIF compliant CRIS
Sergey Parinov - CERIF based network of CRISs as a platform for the Russian Open Science concept
Geert van Grootel - Semantics management for FRIS
Marga van Meel - NARCIS: new services to facilitate researchers
Fabrizio Luglio - Research information systems in an integrated environment: experiences in Italian universities
Anne Asserson - Tor Øyvind Fosse - 'The Norwegian Scientific Index - an extension of the national CRIS
Anna Clements - CERIF-CRIS rising up the agenda in Scotland and the rest of the UK
Stephen Grace - JISC project Ready for the Research Excellence Framework (R4R): an outline
Leslie Carr - JISC project - Ready for the Research Excellence Framework: the IR context
Ed Simons - Knowledge Exchange CRIS-OAR metadata interoperability project
Ed-Simons - Discussion, conclusions and actions
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