This project intends to promote partnerships in Research
Infrastructures between Africa and Europe. The strategy for
the African and European Union cooperation in the Science,
Information Society and Space initiative has been
established since the 2007 Lisbon Summit. The project
“Promoting African European Research Infrastructure
Partnership” (PAERIP) addresses specifically the lack of
research infrastructure partnerships, aiming to:
the cooperation between African and European
researchers, utilising the existing research
infrastructures and the granted African access in
European facilities and vice versa
opportunities for partnership between Africa and Europe
in developing new research infrastructures, especially
in the context of the ESFRI Roadmap and other global
programmes, taking advantage of unique African
comparative assets
prominence to Research Infrastructures as instruments of
cooperation and means of sensitising policy-makers to
the import socio-economic impact of such cooperation
African and European organisations wishing to develop
research infrastructure cooperation, notably through the
dissemination of information, advisory services etc.