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Anniversary Exhibition Celebrating 50 Years of the National Hellenic Research Foundation


The National Hellenic Research Foundation celebrated fifty years of innovative contributions to scientific knowledge at an anniversary exhibition which took place in Athens on 19 March, attended by the President of the Hellenic Republic, Karolos Papoulias, and Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis. The achievements of the six NHRF research institutes (three in Humanities and three in Natural Sciences) and of the National Documentation Centre (EKT) were presented at the exhibition via DVD screenings, posters and other related exhibits.

Present at the exhibition were President of the Hellenic Parliament D. Sioufas, Development Minister Ch. Folias, Education Minister E. Stylianidis, Finance and Economy Minister G. Alogoskoufis, Finance and Economy Deputy Minister N. Legkas, former President of the Hellenic Parliament A. Psarouda-Benaki, Archbishop Damaskinos, assistant Bishop Diavleias as representative of the Athenian Archbishops, General Secretaries of the Development Ministry K. Mousouroulis and I. Tsoukalas, PASOK MP M. Chrysochoidis, CEO of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology A. Kastanis, President of the Academy of Athens K. Drakatos, President of the National Council for Research and Technology D. Nanopoulos, academics, ambassadors, university lecturers and representatives from the art and business communities.

In his speech, Prime Minister C. Karamanlis stated that "Today's celebration for the completion of half a century by the National Hellenic Research Foundation, the most important research body in Greece, is a starting point for ascribing the appropriate recognition and value for the Greek men and women who have dedicated their lives and work to broadening the horizons of our knowledge." He also referred to the new institutional framework for Research and Technology, which aims to double the relevant resources from 0.6% of GDP to 1.5% by 2013, as well as the European Council decision to create a "fifth European freedom", that of free movement of knowledge.

Ch. Folias, Development Minister, gave the opening speech, stressing that, on a long-term basis, the achievements of the Greek research system will transform the conditions and the strength for national enrichment and at the same time will also improve the quality of our lives. The Ministry of Development has announced that the forthcoming years till 2013, will be Years of Innovation, and has promoted "Innovation - Quality - Extroversion" with a strategic starting point being the Operational Programme for Research and Technology (EPET).

In his speech, Director of the NHRF D. Kyriakidis emphasised that: "The NHRF was founded in 1958 in order to conduct scientific research in the context of modernisation, breathing new life into cultural and social activities. To date, the Foundation has made a number of important achievements, both at national and international level, such as a large number of articles in reputable journals with exceptional international impact, the authorship of many specialised books, the implementation of competitive projects with national and European funding, the establishment of spin-off companies, the patent grants, representation of the country to international scientific organisations and the education of new scientists. In 2004, the NHRF was awarded the European Young Investor Award, and in 2005 its Institutes were distinguished by international commissions as centres of excellence."

The keynote speaker about the history of the Foundation and its progress was the historian Triantafyllos Sklavenitis, Research Director at the Institute for Neohellenic Research. At the exhibition, President of the Hellenic Republic K. Papoulias awarded a prize for Scientific Excellence to academic Michalis Sakellariou.

Throughout the anniversary year of 2008, NHRF has planned a range of exhibitions aiming to promote its research and scientific work to the wider public.

From 19 March to 30 April there will be an exhibition of the activities of the six NHRF research institutes and the National Documentation Centre on the ground floor of the NHRF. This exhibition will be open from 10:00 - 20:00 on weekdays, and 10:00 - 14:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. A 350 page luxury anniversary album entitled "National Hellenic Research Foundation, 1958, 2008, Foundation - Progress - Prospects" is available at the NHRF bookshop.

In addition, ten sculptures by Dimitris Armakolas, who also designed the "Scientific Excellence" statuette, will be on display until 30 June in the NHRF atrium.

The National Hellenic Research Foundation
The National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is a multidisciplinary organisation. Its main purpose is to develop essential research and to promote knowledge in the Natural Sciences and Humanities. It was founded in 1958, initially known as the Royal Hellenic Research Foundation, on the initiative of economist and academic Yiangos Pesmazoglou, in cooperation with the chemist Leonidas Zervas and the writer K. Th. Dimaras. Since 1964 it has been housed in its own building on Vassileos Constantinou Avenue in the centre of Athens. NHRF is overseen by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), which is part of the Ministry of Development, and is governed by the Board of Directors under the Chairman of the Board.

The NHRF is composed of the National Documentation Centre (EKT) and six Research Institutes: the Institute for Byzantine Research (IBR), the Institute for Neohellenic Research (INR), the Institute for Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA), the Institute for Biological Research and Biotechnology (IBRB), the Theoretical & Physical Chemistry Institute (TPCI), and the Institute of Organic & Pharmaceutical Chemistry (IOPC).

The Institutes cover a wide range of research in Humanities and Natural Sciences, including the development of scientific knowledge for the benefit of society and the economy. They also enjoy international recognition. The main aims of the NHRF's activity are the education of new scientists and their contribution to research programmes and preparation for doctoral dissertations, and the promotion and utilisation of scientific knowledge for the benefit of the Greek economy, as well as society in general.

EKT is the national institution for documentation, information and support on scientific, research and technological issues. EKT collects digital content, organises it and makes it available using the most up-to-date technology infrastructures of the country. At the same time, it offers information and support services for research programmes, and operates as a link between research and production. The Digital Science and Technology Library offers advanced services concerning electronic access to scientific knowledge.

For more information about the NHRF 50 year anniversary exhibitions, contact: Eleni Grammatikopoulou, tel. 210 7273501, Mary Kontoyianni, tel. 210 7273516.

Source: National Hellenic Research Foundation

National Hellenic Research Foundation
Exhibition Programme (in Greek) Exhibition Programme (in Greek)
Anniversary exhibition video (in Greek)
C. Karamanlis' speech (in Greek)
Ch. Folias' Speech (in Greek)