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Greece determined to boost research and innovation as national priority


The development of a comprehensive national strategy for research and technology and the constant improvement of the environment for the production of knowledge and its conversion to innovation, resulting in economic and social benefits, constitute a national priority for Greece. This was stressed by the Greek Prime Minister C. Karamanlis during the first meeting of the National Council for Research and Technology, realised in Athens, on 13 January 2005.

The Prime Minister underlined that the sustainable and dynamic development, the creation of more and better-paid job opportunities, as well as the progress and the prosperity for all citizens depend on the ability to utilize research for the development of products and services of high level and added value. To this end, the investments on new technologies are being enhanced through the Operational Programmes “Competitiveness” and “Information Society” of the new legal framework for Development.

Mr Karamanlis pre-announced the foundation of a National Committee for Research and Technology – the Ministries for Development and Education are promoting the relevant legal interventions jointly – as well as the formulation of a regulatory framework for linking education with production and the job market, universities and technical institutes with research centres and production units. Moreover, the Prime Minister addressed all Greek scientists in Greece and abroad, inviting them to contribute to the wider effort for the promotion of research and technology.

At his speech, the Minister for Development Dimitris Sioufas said that the institutional reform for upgrading and rationalizing the systems of administration and research exploitation is a major priority. Indeed he announced that in the first half-year period of 2005, it is expected to have completed the work documents that will constitute the base for the legislative work to establish the horizontal decision-making bodies at political, strategic and administrative levels.

He underlined that the objective is for research and technology to contribute to the development of innovative enterprising activities in the private sector, the planning of a modern operational frame for research institutions, the enactment of suitable administration bodies (towards this aim) for research and technology at national level, and the opening up of the Greek research system and scientific infrastructure through reliable processes of choice and development at all research stages.

The Minister for National Education and Religious Affairs Marietta Giannakou pointed out that "we should utilize the opportunities given not only by the European programmes, but also by the general European rationale. We should not have the same things done by lots of persons, without the element of social effectiveness. It is characteristic that in the defence sector, Europe invests 60% of the US expenditure in research, but the effectiveness is 10%, precisely because lots of similar efforts are taking place without co-ordination".

The President of the National Council for Research and Technology, Professor and academic Dimitris Nanopoulos underlined that: "There is a need for radical change in the frame of research and technology. As a small country, we cannot do everything, because then we do nothing. What remains is to develop the sectors where Greece “shines” worldwide, the sectors that most of us know or should know. The objectives of big research centres should be redefined and connected with production. A country without strong collaboration between research, growth and production is condemned to decline ".

Prof. Nanopoulos stressed that the main objectives of the Council include the contacts with Greek scientists working abroad and the connection with big research centres in Europe and the US. He also stressed that emphasis should be given in the sectors of Space and Cosmology, as well as Biology and Biotechnology.

It is noted that Prof. Dimitris Nanopoulos is the new president of the Greek National Council for Research and Technology, upon the proposal of the General Secretary for Research and Technology Prof. I. Tsoukalas and approval by the Minister for Development D. Sioufas. Professors Dimitrios Trihopoulos and Christodoulos Stefanadis were appointed vice presidents.

Source: Ministry for Development

Ministry for Development
General Secretariat for Research and Technology