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Greek events for the International Year of Astronomy


Congresses, lectures, exhibitions, book presentations and pupils? competitions are some of the events which have been programmed in Greece to celebrate 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy, with the central theme ?The Universe: Yours to discover?. The aim is to demonstrate the contribution of astronomy to society and civilisation, with emphasis on education, the activation of the public, and participation of young people.

Specifically, a series of lectures will be held, with speakers being astrophysicists and specialists from the Research Centre for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens, the Hellenic Astronomical Aosciety, the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Observatory of Athens, the Astronomy and Space Company, the Eugenides Foundation and the Thessaloniki Science Centre & Technology Museum, as well as amateur groups and other organisations.

Also, throughout Greece, events will be held, such as: astrophotography exhibitions, planetarium shows, book publications, production of audio-visual material, participation in media broadcasts, book presentations, artistic exhibitions and activities, and pupils' competitions.

The astronomy and star observatories of the nation, professional and amateur, will be open to the public, in order to bring astronomical observations close to the public and particularly to young people. Evenings ?of open doors to the public? have already been programmed by the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the NOA (National Observatory of Athens), at (Thesio, Krioneri of Corinth and the Helmos), the University of Crete (Skenaka), the University of Athens (Gerostathopoulio Observatory), the University Observatory of Thessaloniki and others.

The amateur groups are preparing the organisation of observation evenings (astro-parties), either autonomously, or in co-operation with the educational and research institutions and other organisations. Some of them are preparing missions to China to observe the total solar eclipse of the 22 July 2009. In addition they are developing other activities using the internet for better informing their members, as well as the wider public. They will have a special contribution during the ?100 Hours of Astronomy?, a fundamental programme of the International year of Astronomy, which will take place between 2-5 April. This programme aims for as many people as possible to approach telescopes and to observe the evening sky.

The Congresses of the Hellenic Astronomical Society and the Pan-Hellenic Congress of Amateur Astronomy are dedicated to the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and their themes have been adjusted accordingly.

All the events will be presented on the Greek internet site of the International Year of Astronomy, which has been developed by the Greek Organisational Committee, at the address www.astronomy2009.gr with the aim of composing the "information map" of the events of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, and also a space for meetings, conversation and inspiration throughout the year, but also for the future.

For the organisation of the celebratory events in Greece, a special committee has been formed under Professor Christos Goudis, Director of the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Observatory of Athens and Head of the Greek National Committee for Astronomy.

For Greece the opening ceremony of the celebration of the International Year of Astronomy took place at the New Digital Planetarium of the Eugenides Foundation in Athens. In his speech, Professor Christos Goudis emphasised that this 'Year' gives the opportunity for the international celebration of astronomy and its contribution to society and culture with emphasis on its popularisation, the sensitisation of the public and the participation of young people in activities which will take place at a national and international level.

The event also included the projection of the new digital show ?The Death of the Stars" at the Evgenidiou Planetarium, which 'transported' the public to the wonderful world of the universe and star explosions.

Source: Hellenic Astronomical Society - International Year of Astronomy

ternational Year of Astronomy ? Greek internet site
Hellenic Astronomical Society - International Year of Astronomy
International Astronomy Union
Opening Ceremony for the International year of Astronomy 2009 for Greece
Astronomy Lectures 2009 ? the Academy of Athens