High school students from all over the world will have the opportunity
to demonstrate their knowledge and capacities in informatics during the
16th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), which will take place
on 11-18 September 2004, in Athens. The Olympiad is organized within the
framework of the Cultural Olympiad, under the auspices of the Greek
Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs.
The IOI aims to encourage and give recognition to young students who are
the most talented in informatics, foster cooperation among scientists
and informatics professors, and promote the organisation of high-school
computer programming competitions.
The International Olympiad in Informatics, an initiative of the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is
one of six academic Olympiads for high school students throughout the
world (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy).
More information is available on the web site of the 16th International
Olympiad in Informatics.
Source: 16th International Olympiad in Informatics