A new tool providing free access to all interested parties and enabling them to process statistical data on Internet use in Greece has been made available on the website of the Observatory for the Greek Information Society.
Specifically, the "Online Statistics" application offers primary data from the Observatory’s research, giving users multiple possibilities to create dynamic tables and graphs and to save data in various types of files.
The data already available regards the determination and monitoring of the eEurope2005 plan indicators in Greece. In more detail, data is provided on household equipment, computer and Internet use (by region, urbanisation, education, sex, age and occupation), means and location of Internet access, reasons for using the Internet and potential problems, type of URL, frequency, duration and most recent Internet use.
The development of the "Online Statistics" application is based on a series of applications (PC-AXIS) of Statistics Sweden, with the collaboration of similar statistical services used in other countries such as Norway and Denmark. To date, these applications have been used in more than 30 statistical services throughout the world for the dissemination of statistical data.
Source: Observatory for the Greek Information Society